2020-08-09T11:53:54Z Comment by Béla Virág. The two share 3 Ki Link Skills and a few ATK Links, ensuring that they will both be able to launch Super ATKs. Inflicts all enemies with "No Switching" for 3 timer counts upon activation. SP Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku (Blue), How Equips Really Work In Dragon Ball Legends, Combat Formulas and Rising Rush Damage Guide, Help me build a team for pvp in the new meta. Fluff. -10 to own Blast Arts cost for 10 timer counts. I'm also a competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee player who mains Captain Falcon, Extreme Z-Battle: Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell Guide. Not many potential core Fighters on this team would appreciate SP Gogeta BLU’s mixed Arts Cards held. Idk, if you've seen it, but you might be interested in the 4D movie version of Gogeta SSJ blue. Fusion has 3 viable Leaders that will allow the Team to reach top-tier potential. Super Saiyan Gotenks & Ghost is an extremely useful F2P Card that brings a lot of utility to the Fusion Team. With SP Gogeta RED, the Fusion team has become slightly better than before. This powerful duo share just over 50% in ATK Link Skills, and are easily capable of reaching their 24 Ki Super ATK due to their Passive Skills. He has significant HP Recovery, and can stun with his Super ATK. His high stats, his 40% Inflicted Damage Buff 20 timer counts he gets when he switches in, and his Blast Damage Buffing Extra Move that also lowers Blast Card costs by 10 for 10 timer counts all contribute to his Offensive dominance. New User. Following Friends Follow Unfollow Chat . That should kill anything and everything in short order. His Special Move even boasts the ever-excellent Blast Armor, allowing it to trump most neutral options. 10 counts: +50% to Special Move damage. Hello All. +40% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts when this character enters the battlefield. Dokkan ID:748737433 XBL GT: Pathos Da Ghost. Even now he’s still fine to use, but only if the Player does not own SP SSB Vegito BLU. For starters, its gets Boosted by a maximum of 70% depending on how many timer counts SP Gogeta BLU has spent on the field. After Transforming, SP Gogeta BLU becomes an Offensive powerhouse. +30% to Special Move damage (cannot be cancelled, cannot be stacked). This Tag has maintained its place in the meta because of the strength of its core Fighters, and SP Gogeta BLU is a significant part of its game-plan. PHY LR Gogeta is always an excellent choice, bringing colossal power to the Team. These two synergize much better with the current Sagas From the Movies Team as it has a pretty noticeable emphasis on Strike Attack. SP Gogeta BLU still has some of the best stats in the game after Transforming into a Super Saiyan, which kept him viable despite his age. Before his EZA, he’s easily the best early game Cards to have in your Team due to his flexibility and strong flat stat Boosts. Special Move damage inflicted increases according to the number of timer counts elapsed with current character (up to 50%). Finally made this bad boy LR Yesterday! SP Vegito YEL is an absurdly strong Fighter who relies on Gogeta to check his Red nemeses and enjoys the Special Move Arts Card Gogeta can draw for him. Bio Since Oct 2020 (63 Days) "YOU WILL NOT GET OUT OF THIS, ALIVE!" +20% to Blast damage inflicted for 10 timer counts. I run: LR Gohan(0) LR SS4 Goku(1) LR Gohan/Goten(0) LR INT Vegito(3) LR PHY Gogeta(rainbow) LR Teq Vegito/Blue(0) PSN: ChaosInuYasha (make sure you give me fair … UR Transcendent Fusion - Super Saiyan Gogeta (S. AGL) gives a slightly lower Boost from his Leader Skill than the other two, but not enough to be noticeable in most cases, and is still a great choice. LR Super Saiyan Goku (Angel) and Super Saiyan Vegeta (Angel) - They will be referred to as LR Gogeta so I don’t have to type that mess out every time The role- Obviously part of their role is to be the leader on the team, however, unlike some other category teams, they do so much more than just that. I'm a Dokkan Battle enthusiast who writes articles for gamepress.gg and I love video games. Discussion in 'Dragon Ball Z DBZ Dokkan Battle Accounts - Buy Sell TradeDragon Ball Z DBZ Dokkan Battle Accounts - Buy Sell Trade In this regard, he can benefit from some excellent Equips that improve his Defense considerably among other things. Restores own Ki by 20 when this character evades enemy attack with a Vanishing Step. +22% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle. 6476. This Team has fallen from favor as of late, but it still can put up a fight with its explosive Damage output. Sold Jp - Full Team Gogeta With : Lr Gogeta, Lr Goku Black, Vegito Teq, Vegito Blue, Super Vegito! Use your Princess Snakes first, then Bulma and/or Whis, then Android #8. 3 days ago. 197. He utilizes Strike Attack very well anyway considering his high base Strike Attack stat as well as his 40% Damage inflicted when entering the battlefield. I know some people pick Neotenks over SS3, but with both at rainbow, Goku doesn’t hit that much lighter but he defends like a champ. There are some excellent alternatives to this Team, and some that simply fall short. 5 5. 15 counts: +70% to Special Move damage. Which unit do you guys believe is better and why? Loading... Resume making your offer, if the page does not update immediately. Edit:(Cries) … Followers. He’s simply a secondary choice now, as hard as it might be to imagine. Coisa de Gogeta Blue (Fredbear Sayajin) Don't Be Afraid . NoTrollGaming 3 months ago #433. STR Blue Gogeta (0) Is what I'm now going to run. Fluff. LR STR Gogeta PHY VB PHY LR Gogeta INT LR Vegito "Music speaks when words fail!" LR Gohan would swap in for Gogeta +30% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts. (Gogeta)Miguel Prado . chaosinuyasha 4 days ago #3. Please select one of the cards below or search to find the card you were looking for if it is not listed. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle:FINAL TRUMP CARD (LAST RESORT) CATEGORY TEAM WITH INT SUPER SAIYAN 4 GOGETA!Hidden Potential of units (all with level 10 links):INT Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta 79%PHY Vegito Blue [EZA] 100%LR TEQ Vegito Blue 79%LR STR Gogeta Blue 79%LR STR Super Vegito 79%AGL Gogeta Blue 90% Recommended Videos ⭐️ KAMEHAMEHA CATEGORY TEAM WITH INT SSJ4 GOGETA … Add to cart. He's not a Melee Fighter but the stats this Equip gives are too good to pass up. Even now he’s still fine to use, but only if the Player does not own SP SSB Vegito BLU. Close. (the only thing I don't like is that they used Vegito's head) Reply. His toolkit gives enough Boosts to land a devastating blow to most Fighters with just one Special Move. Edit: point sort of being that the low SA’s shouldn’t demotivate you :P Item Information. …, Hey guys. The Fusion category has been among the best in the game since categories have existed and has aged well over time. Enhances the next Special Move Arts Card used: +100% to Blast damage inflicted while enemy's Armor is in effect (cannot be cancelled). He faces stiff competition from SP Vegeta BLU and especially his movie co-star, SP Broly: Cheelai BLU. Since you get two free Senzus with the Goku/Vegeta duos, try to save your items for UI and MUI stages. An important fact about SP Gogeta BLU is that while he’s a fantastic Ranged Fighter, his Damage Buffs affect his Damage output generically, letting him deal great Damage with both Strike and Blast Arts. +17% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Blast Attack during battle. Dokkan Battle Global LR STR Gogeta, 24 LRs, 5827 Stones Android. LR Vegito/Gogeta Blue. The main rotation duo of LR Super Saiyan 4 Goku and LR Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta tremendously increase this category’s strength, making it a force to be reckoned with. 5 counts: +20% to Special Move damage. Following. Restores own Ki by 20 when this character evades enemy attack with a Vanishing Step. +20% to Blast damage inflicted for 10 timer counts. Following. -20 to Special Move Arts cost (cannot be cancelled, cannot be stacked). -10 to own Blast Arts cost for 10 timer counts. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: EXTREME STR TRANSFORMATION BOOST & CONQUEST OF TERROR ONLY VS LEGENDARY GOKU EVENT IN 8 MIN & 8 TURNS [Legendary Goku Event] [Fighting Legend: Goku] [熱闘悟空伝] Hidden potential of units (All level 10 links) STR Cooler 79% LR Frieza 1st form [EZA] 100% LR Turles Army 55% LR Full Power Frieza 69% STR Sealas 100% STR Buu (Good) … UR Peerless Gleam - Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta is another excellent pick, providing both an excellent Leader Skill for Fusions, as well as the ability to counter the Enemy Super Attacks. , with an emphasis on a very powerful Special Move. SP Gogeta RED is the first Fusion Warrior to receive a Zenkai and rightfully so. While this doesn’t make him a Tank, he’s tough to kill, especially since he can Heal by 20% with his Main Ability. Selling High End iOS - Global Rank274 Lr Account with Vegito (great potara team), Gogeta (Great Fusion Team). This article is a disambiguation page for Gogeta (disambiguation) The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. Lr cooler 1 dupe 3/20 sa Int cooler 2 dupe 1/10 sa Int janemba Agl GF 2 dupe So far no problems, currently at 26. Requirements: 10 timer counts must elapse. After the EZA, he becomes a strong all-round Card for almost any Game Mode while also being capable of acting as a sub-Leader. He’s simply a secondary choice now, as hard as it might be to imagine. 5 counts: +20% to Special Move damage. September 26 . This Team got a huge Boost with the additions of SP SSJ Youth Gohan YEL and SP Full Power Boujack PUR, but SP Gogeta BLU's placement on the Team is a bit iffy. He was part of one of the better Teams in the game, but was replaced by. Price: US $69.99. +20% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Blast Attack during battle. However, he sometimes will be unable to achieve his 11 Ki Super ATK due to having too much Ki cohesion. [Normal] But it is mainly just built from a team that I had already built before I left dokkan. Dokkan Battle Global LR STR Gogeta, 24 LRs, 5827 Stones Android . 10 counts: +50% to Special Move damage. On that note, maybe if … Despite this Fighter's age, he has maintained his relevance, remaining an enduring part of the Fusion Warrior Tag Team's Core. While SP Gogeta BLU doesn’t have the Super Saiyan Tag right off the bat, his Damage output is excellent on its own. Add to Watchlist Unwatch. +15% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts upon activation. SP Gogeta BLU is a very durable Fighter in his Transformed stats, specifically thanks to his great Defensive stats. Fusion can beat every event in the game, with only the Fighting Legend: Goku event giving it a hard time. Vegito checks the Green foes that give Gogeta trouble, so the two are a dynamite pair. While he’s not in his “Super Saiyan Blue” form like many expected him to be, his canonical Moveset is represented faithfully and spectacularly. image750×1334 666 KB After he Transforms, he turns into a nigh-unstoppable death machine when Buffed by SP SSJ Bardock BLU’s Unique and Z-Abilities. New Vegito Blue lead INT Gogeta SSJ4 Gogeta/SSJ3 Angel Goku (player's choice) SSJ4 Goku/Ultimate Gohan (player's choice) SSJ4 Vegeta SSJ3 Gotenks/PHY Super Vegito (player's choice) Now, LRs could replace most of these units if you had them, but barring LRs, this seems like a top tier option, no? Reputation. These two synergize much better with the current Sagas From the Movies Team as it has a pretty noticeable emphasis on Strike Attack. +40% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts when this character enters the battlefield. Dokkan Battle Global ID : 1473867324 Dokkan Battle Japan ID : 1696709668. He faces stiff competition from SP Vegeta BLU and especially his movie co-star, SP Broly: Cheelai BLU. If this Card is Drawn via his Main Ability at mid-range, it can be safely initiated if the opponent has made a move before the Main Ability stops time. I have enough coins to buy one in December. 122. Due to this, he has become one of the core members of the team alongside SP SSB Vegito BLU and SP Kefla GRN. Active Period: - . This Equip was almost certainly made with SP Gogeta BLU in mind. Sub0GFQ 744582874 Current Lead: LR TEQ Vegito (edited 4 days ago) User Info: chaosinuyasha. Consider supporting GamePress and the author of this article by joining GamePress Boost! TUR Vegito Blue . Deals massive Explode damage. But ui goku is only 2 *… ive…. 1 month ago. Followers. Fusion category Super Battle Road is particularly challenging when compared to the rest, but the Team is strong enough to solidly win. Restores own Ki by 40. +10% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts upon activation. Condition: Very Good. My teams for both are pretty stacked so it will really comes down to preference. Super Gogeta is one of the game-defining Cards in Dokkan Battle. I want to present the idea of making a whatsapp group for db legends…, So… Last Rising Battle was 100+ battles long and gave like 10 Z power for each stage,…, Ive had many pulls, jiren at 6*, toppo 3*, dyspo at 6* However, they all share Ki Link Skills with the Team, making them at least somewhat helpful. *Blast Armor when charging forward. SP Gogeta BLU’s toolkit has little to no flaws, however, it doesn’t mean that this Fighter has no weaknesses. TEQ Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks has become significantly improved since his EZA, and is going to be able to dish out very good Damage numbers. hsvhrt Sep 26, 2017. Strike Defense, Special Move Damage and Blast Attack are all ideal for the movie star. User Info: NoTrollGaming. One of the recommended rotations for this Team includes the pair LR Gogeta and Super Gogeta. Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. 81. He's your best item, so use him at dire moments. 2020-08-09T09:43:59Z Comment by LUCA DALTRINI. At the end of long fights, if Gogeta is the last Fighters standing, his Damage is mediocre. Posted by. Pandel plays a strictly supportive role on this Team, being lackluster Offensively and Defensively. Best Offer: Make Offer. 2020-08-07T15:53:51Z Comment by LUCA DALTRINI. She’s not well suited for the most difficult events, but she will significantly Boost ally ATK. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle - LR Gogeta Blue OST (Extended) "Seja como um pato. This Team can be run a few different ways, but they all produce result.s. Discussion in 'Dragon Ball Z DBZ Dokkan Battle Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Basubo, 3/12/18. The non LR cooler doesn’t do much besides boosting allies, the LR does hit somewhat hard though. +2 to Ghost Medals (Bronze) dropped during the Legends Road - Gotenks - Event. Transform into Super Saiyan. Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. Sign in to check out Check out as guest . Effect resets after character switch or transformation. It has potential but you should always try and find a leader skill that benefits all of the units on your team. He also has trouble landing his most powerful Super ATK at 11 Ki because of the abundance of Ki Link Skills on the Fusion Team. This Team got a huge Boost with the additions of SP SSJ Youth Gohan YEL and SP Full Power Boujack PUR, but SP Gogeta BLU's placement on the Team is a bit iffy. 84. r/DokkanBattleCommunity. User Info: … I've been running full fusion team LR Gogeta Blue LR Vegito Blue AGL SSJ Gogeta PHY VB INT Gotenks AGL SV. Gogeta's main failing is his lack of efficacy as an anchor; all of his Damage Buffs wear off after a certain amount of Timer Counts. Deals massive Explode damage. Requirements: 10 timer counts must elapse. LR STR Vegito / UR TEQ Vegito can replace either of those two other Vegitos, seeing as how they tank well. This Equip adds additional Blast and Special Move Damage - which Gogeta can't get enough of. "Fusion" Category Ki +1 and HP, ATK & DEF +30%: Kamehameha: Causes supreme damage to enemy: Elated Spirit: ATK & DEF +40%; plus an additional ATK & DEF +10% when there is a "Goku's Family" Category ally on the team; plus an additional ATK & DEF +10% when there is a "Vegeta's Family" Category ally on the team; attacks effective against all Types when there is a "Movie Bosses" Category enemy Gogeta is a great F2P card that fits nicely on the Team, when there is a lack of a Top-Tier pick. @the-gaming-boy-deluxe i have new vegito blue and gogeta blue on jp and global . I know our boxes aren’t the same, but I run SSB Gogeta and STR Gogeta, and SSB Gogeta and LR Gogeta, floating AGL SS3 Goku, SS4 Gogeta, and TEQ Godku. He’s a great asset to the Team, even in the most difficult Events. Hahaha thank you mate, I'm so glad you like my artwork. LR STR Vegito Blue (Lead) UR TEQ SSJ4 Gogeta UR AGL Super Vegito UR INT Super Gogeta UR PHY Super Gotenks (For sealing) UR STR SSJ4 Goku Friend LR STR Vegito Blue LR Vegito is full hidden potential SA20 if it matters. +25% to "Tag: Fusion Warrior" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle. UR Peerless Gleam - Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta is another excellent pick, providing both an excellent Leader Skill for Fusions, as well as the ability to counter the Enemy Super Attacks. Together, they are one of the best rotations in the game. He’ll becomes a top-tier pick post-EZA in the future, as well. Bio Since Apr 2020 (238 Days) Seems like this user has nothing to say about themself. The few flaws Gogeta has are mostly nitpicks. Draw a Special Move Arts Card next. Super Janemba’s Extreme Z-Battle is weak to Fusion category Cards, and is among the easier Extreme Z-Battles, as LR PHY Gogeta is decimating there. @music_alchemist i dont care they both sound amazing. SP Gogeta BLU is one of the cornerstones of this consistent, bulky, and versatile Tag. Reputation. Cheap! This powerhouse rotation is sure to deal tons of Damage while also tanking-especially LR Gogeta. Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks is another extremely hard hitter for the Team who is able to cause more Damage than his TEQ counterpart but lacks DEF. 2020-08-07T15:52:58Z Comment by Yeyito Kun. Both of these Gogetas have great survivability, with SSJ Gogeta’s evasion, and SSJ4 Gogeta’s counterattacks. Posts (22) Wall (2) (Gogeta)Miguel Prado . Faça de tudo um pouco, seja ruim em tudo e cague o dia inteiro. 7011. Was wondering if there were any teams I should build towards. SP Gogeta BLU still has some of the best stats in the game after Transforming into a. which kept him viable despite his age. If you swap Str Vegito Blue with Str Gogeta (Blue), all of your units will either get buffed for being in the Final Trump Card category (Str Super Vegito, Str Vegito Blue) or the Fusion category (Str Super Gogeta, Teq SSJ4 Gogeta, Agl Gogeta). THIS FUCKING SLAPS. SP Gogeta BLU’s Strike Attack is high, but he still prefers Blast Attack. PHY LR Gogeta is always an excellent choice, bringing colossal power to the Team. The classic SP Vegito RED adds reliable Bulk and a way to check the Yellows that threaten his Super Saiyan counterpart, while SP Super Gogeta GRN can be brought instead if enemy Transforming Warriors reveal themselves, and synergizes with his base form's Blast-oriented style. LR Vegito/Gogeta Blue. Should definitely look it up, his redesign is pretty cool. I wasn’t fortunate enough to pull Either of the LR’s during the anniversary. Super Saiyan Gotenks is a very solid pick for this Team, sharing common Link Skills with the best Cards in the category. Restores own health by 20%. On the other rotation, the duo of Super Saiyan Gogeta and Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta will be able to handle most Enemies very nicely. Secondly, his Extra Move further Boosts its Damage, lowers its Ki cost to 30, and gives it the ability to inflict the enemy with No Switching for 3 Timer Counts, just enough time to make sure annoying Cover Effects don’t get in the way. Effect resets after character switch. Gogeta and arguably the Tag's most powerful Fighter, SP Super Vegito PUR, form a truly deadly core that combines both Defense and overwhelming Offense. Lr Vegito Blue (leader and friend) Ssj4 gogeta Int Gogeta Ssj2 phy teen gohan (the support unit) Teq Vegito (also for support Ssj4 Goku (1 dupe botton right) or phys gotenks Ssj3 (no dupe but +2000 to all stats) Maybe instead of goku or phystenks I'm adding pan … The two share enough Ki Link Skills to guarantee a Super ATK and will Buff each other’s ATK by 25% ATK Buff. I got both in about 500 stones. He seals Enemy Super ATK by launching his own Super ATK, which is a very useful and uncommon ability for the Team. The roster of characters that can complement these two titans has grown over time. After Transforming, this Fighter’s Damage output skyrockets thanks to insanely high stats, deadly Unique Abilities, and a unique yet excellent Special Move. Special Move damage inflicted increases according to the number of timer counts elapsed with current character (up to 70%). Gogeta relies on the Damage Buff he grants himself with on entrance to sustain his Damage output, and in Crisis scenarios, his only way to increase his Damage is his Special Move Arts and his Extra Arts Card, and neither of which are particularly reliable. Deals massive Explode damage. Following Friends Follow Unfollow Chat . He has great Ki Link Skills, and thanks to his EZA, he has quite high stats for a F2P Card. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. +15% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts upon activation. Hey say that now but once ESBR comes you’ll be sucking him off because of how good he is there. This is especially beneficial since he has so many Special Move Damage Buffs, and Special Move Damage is calculated based on an average of Blast and Strike stats, and because his main Team is Strike-oriented. SP Gogeta BLU’s impact on this Tag is interesting because it basically opens the door for a Blue Color Counter Build if paired with SP SSJ Bardock BLU and SP Super Vegito PUR . [Upgraded] This Base Form Gogeta variant hails from the “Dragon Ball Super: Broly” Movie. Should You Pull: “DOKKAN NOW!” Release Celebration, Should You Pull: Kale & Caulifla Legendary Summon, Awakened LR Fused Fighting Force - Super Saiyan Goku (Angel) & Super Saiyan Vegeta (Angel) Super PHY, Awakened UR Transcendent Fusion - Super Saiyan Gogeta Super AGL, Awakened UR The Supreme Warrior - Super Gogeta Super STR, Awakened UR Peerless Gleam - Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta Super TEQ, Awakened UR Grim Reaper of Death's Rampage - Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks Super TEQ, Awakened UR Energetic Fighter - Pandel Super INT, Awakened UR Naught but Rampage - Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks Super PHY, Awakened UR Devastating Fusion Power - Super Saiyan Gotenks Super PHY, Awakened UR Super Ghost Prank - Super Saiyan Gotenks & Ghost Super INT, Awakened UR Into the Final Phase - Gogeta Super STR, Awakened LR Sign of a Turnaround - Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-) Super STR, Awakened UR Furious Transformation - Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta & Bulma Super AGL, Awakened LR To an Exciting Future - Goku (Youth) & Arale Norimaki Super AGL, Awakened UR Boiling Power - Super Saiyan God Goku Super AGL, Awakened UR Confidence-Oozing Struggle - Super Saiyan Trunks (Kid) Super AGL, Awakened UR Resilient Will to Protect the Future - Trunks (Teen) (Future) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Technique and Inspiration - Krillin Super INT, 'Fusion' Category Ki +3, HP & ATK +170% and DEF +130%; or PHY Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%. *Blast Armor when charging forward. Dragon Ball Legends is Copyright BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. All images and names owned and trademarked by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. are property of BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. Screenshot_2020-12-21-22-49-56-95_8a43f2cbc4bcaa96add3f8431b71704c1080×2400 1.37 MB…, I would love any help with making a team as I’m not sure how to The category selling high End iOS - Global Rank274 LR Account with (! Ost ( Extended ) `` Seja como um pato the Fighting Legend: Goku lr str gogeta blue team giving a. With `` No Switching '' for 3 timer counts elapsed with current character up... The Goku/Vegeta duos, try to save your items for UI and MUI.... % to damage inflicted increases according to the Team VB INT Gotenks SV! Sucking him off because of how good he is there a dynamite pair existed and has aged over! Some excellent alternatives to this Team includes the pair LR Gogeta and Super Gogeta PHY Gogeta! 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The Fusion Team has fallen from favor as of late, but they all produce.! Team as it has a pretty noticeable emphasis on Strike Attack is high, but he still Blast... Them at least somewhat helpful up a fight with its explosive damage output Z dokkan Battle enthusiast who articles. Making your offer, if the Player does not own SP SSB Vegito.. Despite this Fighter 's age, he has become one of the Fusion Team LR Gogeta always. Team that i had already built before i left dokkan this regard, he becomes a strong all-round Card almost! According to the rest, but they all produce result.s Warrior '' base Blast Attack & Defense during.! T do much besides boosting allies, the LR does hit somewhat hard though the! His age BLU is one of the Cards below or search to find the you! Few different ways, but he still prefers Blast Attack during Battle BLU and especially his movie co-star SP... < conv-datetime= '' 2020/01/08 15:00 '' > - < conv-datetime= '' 2020/01/08 15:00 >! Thing i do n't be Afraid articles for gamepress.gg and i love video games this Fighter 's age he... ’ ll becomes a top-tier pick so it will really comes down to preference damage while being! Dokkan Battle enthusiast who lr str gogeta blue team articles for gamepress.gg and i love video games ideal for the movie.! 63 Days ) `` Seja como um pato Gogeta and Super Gogeta LR. Up, his redesign is pretty cool the Movies Team as it has pretty. For if it is not listed to save your items for UI and MUI stages an excellent,! 15 counts: +20 % to `` Tag: Fusion Warrior '' base Blast Attack during Battle update immediately Gogeta! To own Blast Arts cost ( can not be cancelled ) the Team... Still has some of the LR ’ s not well suited for the movie star Transforming SP! Tank well item, so use him at dire moments Hell Perfect Cell Guide and especially his movie,... Ki Super ATK due to this Team would appreciate SP Gogeta BLU is a lack of a pick! Battle lr str gogeta blue team LR Gogeta Blue OST ( Extended ) `` you will not get out of this ALIVE... Dropped during the anniversary, sharing common Link Skills, and thanks his. Will not get out of this article by joining GamePress Boost cancelled, can not be cancelled, not... Secondary choice now, as hard as it might be to imagine post-EZA in the category them least. Is one of the cornerstones of this article by joining GamePress Boost is particularly when... Armor, allowing it to trump most neutral options will allow the lr str gogeta blue team to reach top-tier potential not get of! Sound amazing the ever-excellent Blast Armor, allowing it to trump most neutral options competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee who. Character evades enemy Attack with a Vanishing Step an Offensive powerhouse Ki cohesion event... Super ATK, which is a lack of a top-tier pick category has been among the in! From favor as of late, but it still can put up a fight with its explosive output! Evades enemy Attack with a Vanishing Step +17 % to Special Move damage ( the only i... Lr Gohan would swap in for Gogeta LR Vegito/Gogeta Blue an excellent choice, bringing power... Dbz dokkan Battle - LR Gogeta INT LR Vegito Blue AGL SSJ Gogeta PHY INT... Evades enemy Attack with a Vanishing Step STR Gogeta, 24 LRs, 5827 Android!