credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level. What is the Difference Between Blended Learning & Distance Learning? All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. With divergent thinking, the possibilities are endless! Students can choose from a menu of project ideas to demonstrate their learning from the novel Divergent. The activities youth will participate in are designed to teach them look at a variety of possibilities for solutions. Think outside the box. What would a passport for Christopher Columbus look like? Divergent Thinking Activities. My students have turned this picture into ma, Divergent Thinking Activities and Posters | Flexible Thinking Activities, Divergent Doodles: A Year-long Exploration in Divergent Thinking, Creative Writing: Divergent Thinking Writing Prompts, Fear and Divergent Thinking: The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, Divergent Thinking Prompts: Social Studies and Science Topics, Divergent Thinking Writing Prompts: Dialogue and Hypothetical Situations, Writing BUNDLE - Distance Learning (Print + Digital Activity), Divergent Thinking Skills Task Card Bundle, Divergent Thinking- Critical Skill for 21st Century Kids, Divergent Thinking Questions: "What If" Questions For All Subject Areas, Divergent Thinking (E-Book) - Facts and Optical Illusions, Creative Writing Lab #3 for Divergent Thinking, First Week of School - Divergent Thinking, US History- Divergent Thinking Activities, Creative Writing Lab #1 for Divergent Thinking, Creative Writing Lab #5 for Divergent Thinking, Creative Writing Lab #4 for Divergent Thinking, Growth Mindset - Divergent thinking questions to generate discussion. Imagination—Visualizing and thinking of original ideas 5. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Divergent thinking workshop, Convergence and divergence, Testing for convergence or divergence, Absolute convergence and the ratio test, Convergence2, Absolute convergence and the ratio test, 81 fresh fun critical thinking activities… This lesson will detail some activities you can use that will inspire divergent thinking in your students. It is a spontaneous, fluid, non-linear mental approach based on curiosity and nonconformity. Implementing Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools, Quiz & Worksheet - Developing Divergent Thinking, Over 83,000 lessons in all major subjects, {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}}, Cognitive Perspective of Learning & Information Processing, The Two-Store Model of Memory: Types of Memory and Storage, Categories of Memory: Sensory & Long-Term, Improving Retrieval of Memories: Mnemonic Devices, Retrieving Long-Term Memories: Interference, Amnesia & State-Dependent Memory, Knowledge Organization: Schemata and Scripts, Cognitive Thinking: Creativity, Brainstorming and Convergent & Divergent Thinking, How to Advance Creativity in a Learning Environment, Types of Problems & Problem Solving Strategies, Cloze: Procedure, Technique and Definition, Extrinsic Rewards for Students: Definition & Examples, Facts vs. Students randomly choose one of the cards, take some time to consider their argument, and engage in discussion. With practice, all your students can train their brains to think creatively and see things in a different way. This activity can allow for some very interesting student-led discussions and products. Please subscribe to my channel: you have a problem you need to solve and you’re looking for innovative solutions. Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials. How Can Parents Help Their Students Prepare for a College Readiness or AP Exam? In math, for example, instead of having students solve word problems, for which there is only one correct answer, they could write their own problems. first two years of college and save thousands off your degree. Encourage Students to Embrace Creativity – By allowing students to have time … The results were clear, participants who walked scored higher on tests for "divergent thinking." In this ebook, students explore 50 questions and optical illusions and weird facts:What happens to old tires - burned as fuel, How much water goes down the drain in a sink - two gallons in a minute, How many televisions end up at a dump - 20 million annually, Which precious metals are in our body -, 44 page HIGHLY visual PowerPoint. 6. The test has … Fluency—The art of generating a variety of ideas to increase the number of solutions 4. Models of Thinking included:Bloom’s TaxonomyCreative Problem SolvingRenzulli’s Enrichment TriadThinking CapsGardner’s Multiple IntelligencesAcademic Domains included:EnglishMathScienceSocial StudiesHealthCreative ArtsBoth, This lesson plan provides step-by-step instruction for introducing youth to the concept of divergent thinking. In free writing, a person will focus on one … The goal of brainstorming is to generate as many ideas as possible in a short period of time. This question requires students to think in different terms and provide you with a variety of different answers. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. It includes activities, videos, and LOTS of pictures! Though the concept of divergent thinking came before those books, they actually do portray divergent thinking accurately. Anyone can earn In fact, it is also a type of thinking very common in children, where joy, imagination, and a fresh perspective make … See more ideas about Divergent thinking, Divergent, Critical thinking. Convergent thinking is systematic and logi… Our goal is always to find the “right” answers. Help students become fluent and flexible thinkers. Divergent thinking, or lateral thinking, is about generating multiple creative solutions to the same problem. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? For others, modeling is needed in the beginning. Be bored. Techniques to Stimulate Divergent Thinking. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Mind maps are the best way to put the results of divergent thinking on paper. Divergent thinking is an important process that you should always be trying to engage your students in. 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Visit the Educational Psychology: Tutoring Solution page to learn more. This is the sequel to my popular product, Divergent Thinking Skills Task Cards. In school, we are used to asking and answering questions that have one correct answer. Each Consult 4 Kids lesson plan is identified by grade level, lesson, How could introducing rabbits into the rainforest affect that habitat? A useful distinction in thinking process was suggested by Joy Paul Guilford in 1967. Create your account, Already registered? Additionally, the student who is playing devil's advocate has to challenge his own thinking and maybe take a different perspective than what he came into the discussion with. The rule is that students must earnestly argue their side, whether or not they agree. This exercise encourages divergent thinking, which helps you develop your ability to think outside of the box and become a creativity powerhouse. The term “divergent thinking” refers to that strategy of solving problems characterized by the proposal of a multiplicity of possible solutions in an attempt to determine the one that works. Can Open Education Save Students From Expensive Textbooks? To learn more, visit our Earning Credit Page. Setting Students Up for Success with's Courses, How to Guide Students Through's Courses. How Divergent Thinking Leads to Creativity. Opinions: Examples, Games & Activities, Higher Order Thinking Questions for Math Teachers, Intellectual Ability: Definition & Dimensions, Morphology of English: Definition & Studies, Reflection Questions: Definition and Examples, Vocabulary Strategies for High School Teachers, Broaden and Build Theory: Definition and Criticism, Educational Psychology: Tutoring Solution, Biological and Biomedical By splitting your class into groups, assigning each student a hat, and presenting a problem, they can help each other come up with new and creative ideas and solutions. Activities which promote divergent thinking include creating lists of questions, setting aside time for thinking and meditation, brainstorming, subject mapping, bubble mapping, keeping a journal, playing tabletop role-playing games, creating artwork, and free writing. Guilford coined convergent thinking in contrast with divergent thinking. Most of the time it drives us nuts when someone else plays devil's advocate for us. However, it is based on an approach that differs substantially from divergent thinking (Torrance) or divergent production (Guilford)—a Gestalt 5-psychology theory of creativity. The name of this test suggests that it is a divergent thinking test, and its acronym (TCT-DP) makes it easy to confuse with Torrance’s TTCT. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? The idea of the six thinking hats was first pioneered by Edward de Bono as a tool for group or individual thinking. Just like learning a new move in the gym can inspire your workouts, learning something new can do … {{courseNav.course.topics.length}} chapters | You will find 50 questions about:What happens to old tires (burned as fuel), How much water goes down the drain in a sink (two gallons in a minute), How many televisions end up at a dump (20 million annually), Which precious. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} Using a teaching method at the preschool level may seem trivial to some because youngsters just seem to want to play all the time. Photo Credit: Yasser Alghofily/Flickr. Encourage divergent thinking. Risk-taking—Possessing a willingness to courageously explore, experiment, and accept new, potentially controversial ideas 2. However, when someone does this, he is inspiring you to do some divergent thinking by challenging assumptions and reasoning. It usually happens in a free-flowing, spontaneous manner, where multiple creative ideas are engendered and evaluated. Some ways of promoting divergent thought include encouraging exploration and experimentation, as well as giving children problems to solve that require thinking outside the box. In this activity, students are placed in pairs. This lab contains step by step brainstorming sequences, where students make creative choices in terms of situation, setting, main character, and featured objects, and then embark on crafting an original sh, Students and adults are often led to believe that there is only one right answer to the question. Business Results And The Laws Of Global Competition 1671 Words | 7 Pages “ Creativity is just connecting things. Sound interesting? Create an account to start this course today. Respondents are ranked according to the four categories in divergent thinking: fluency (how many you named), originality (how common the answers are), flexibility (how many unique subjects you cross), and elaboration (level of … Select a subject to preview related courses: 'White Hat': This person presents concrete, known information (just facts), 'Yellow Hat': This person comes from a perspective of optimism and looks for positives and benefits in the concept or question, 'Black Hat': This person plays devil's advocate, 'Red Hat': This person discusses feelings and intuition, likes and dislikes, 'Green Hat': This person explores creativity and new ideas, 'Blue Hat': This person manages the thinking process and ensures all others are following the guidelines of the discussion. This requires them to explore many different ideas to generate a problem. Read More. Categories include lite, This PowerPoint slideshow will help your students with divergent thinking. Divergent thinking is a creative thinking process in which students come up with different ideas and solutions related to a certain question or concept. It has only one answer and all others are incorrect. The basic premise is that each person in the group wears a 'hat' and looks at the problem or idea in question from the perspective that the hat dictates. Eight elementscomprise the divergent thinking process: 1. Activities. We've all heard the term 'devil's advocate', which refers to when someone debates with you for the sake of arguing, even if he doesn't believe in the position he's arguing. Divergent Thinking Posters: There are 6 different posters. Most times this process is conducted in collaborative, group settings.This lesson, created in Google, is an introduction to divergent thinking but can be easily ada, This resource is a great way to introduce or review divergent thinking skills. However, the true divergent thinkers--the ones who are good at thinking about thinking and have a corner on metacognition--can come up with 200 uses.That's quite a long list! Divergent thinking may play several roles in organizations. In the story, Hansel and Gretel, instead of dropping breadcrumbs, how could the children avoid getting lost in the woods? Typically, divergent thinking involves brainstorming, collecting spontaneous and random associations with a given topic, and increasingly expansive ideation. Linear thinking, or convergent thinking, is about learning facts, follow instructions, and solving problems with one right answer. So facinating. Not sure what college you want to attend yet? College Students: Be Careful What You Blog, Like Learning in the Classroom? Lesson includes: Divergent and Convergent Thinking Ready for your Quiz? -Quality questions imaginable degree, area of It is an incredibly important skill that students should be exposed to consistently. These worksheets are designed to get students thinking about certain decisions that historical figures had to consider throughout U.S. and pre-U.S. history in North America. When you engage your students in divergent thinking, you are tasking them with coming up with many different ideas or solutions relating to a problem or concept. study For some students, thinking creatively and out-of-the-box comes naturally. Boredom is a lost art. First, students are challenged in their thinking by one another. … The camouflage drawing challenge is a great exercise to foster creativity. The activities in this lesson will help you get started inspiring your students to engage in divergent thinking. Brainstorming is a technique which involves generating a list of ideas in a creative, unstructured manner. just create an account. 8. Start by giving each of your students a small scrap of paper with a design already drawn … Proposed by the mid-twentieth century psychologist JP Guilford, Divergent Thinking is the ability to generate many ideas or solutions … Brainstorming + Ideation Generating Alternatives (1) • Change your media • Change constraints or criteria of the challenge or issue at hand • Work in unknowns, take RISKS • Build-in Translation and Abstraction (1) Keith Sawyer, Zig Zag . Examples are multiple choice tests, math quizzes, spelling tests and many other standardised tests in education systems. Log in here for access. In your classroom, you can encourage students to play devil's advocate, which accomplishes two things. All rights reserved. Open-ended questioning does not only pertain to reading. Critical thinking. They are given two cards with opposing views or arguments. Students that take divergent approaches to problems are hardl, There's a connection between fear, imagination, choice, and plot. 5. -Ted Talk link Divergent thinking treats all ideas equally regardless of context or applicability and disregards rubrics, criteria, or any process for assessment. Shows resources that can work for all subjects areas, Divergent thinking. With this creative writing lab, students will truly experience the job of divergent thinking. IT IS. Instead of simply asking students t, 30 printable pages of weird questions and hypothetical situations:Five new uses for a rockFive new uses for a glassFive new uses for a shoeFive new uses for a boxFive new uses for a chairWhat Would A spider say to a fly caught in its web? Divergent thinking activities can help prime the brain for problem solving as students begin to see the ordinary in new and creative ways. Creativity for children is actually a complicated, rather elegant set of skills. When you sanction children’s ideas often and label them as “incorrect” or “wrong,” you unmotivate them to think differently. For example, 'Who is the main character in Where the Wild Things Are?' Divergent thinking is the process of generating multiple ideas about a given problem or topic—encouraging curiosity, multiple perspectives, pushing past the obvious answer, probing deeper, and being a risk-taker.What is included?Pre Assessment and Post Assessment provide you with a way to watch how Divergent thinking will empower the students to come up with creative ideas or solutions and augment their problem-solving skills. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. Divergent thinking generates multiple solutions to a single problem. courses that prepare you to earn Originality—The capacity to discover ideas others have not previously thought of 3. Our new, 21st Century standards require student. With convergent thinking, you are trying to find a single best solution to a given problem. 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