Some common examples are Proteins (which are found in humans and animals alike), Cellulose and Starch (which are found in plants) or Rubber (which we harvest from the latex of a tropical plant ). J Chem Soc 123:518–532, Jarvis M (1984) Structure and properties of pectin gels in plant cell walls. These classes usually have quite different sources, characteristics, and applications. Natural polymers are found in nature and are generally obtained from animal and plants. An overview of these categories is given in Fig. Conveniently, all polymers can be assigned to one of two groups based upon their processing characteristics or the type of polymerization mechanism. By Tacticity 7. Polymers can be classified based on their origin as natural or synthesis. Starch is a polymer of glucose, cellulose is also a polymer of glucose, proteins are polymers of amino acids. These polymers are brittle and hard. Synthetic rubber. In: Dumitriu S, Polysaccharides: structural diversity and functional versatility. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Note that the properties exhibited by solid materials like polymers depend largely on the strength of the forces between these molecules. Polymers are classified on different basis and types as explained below: Classification based on the source of Origin. [CDATA[ Example: Vulcanized Rubber ( Sulphur is used in cross bonding the polymer chains found in natural rubber) Cellulose acetate (rayon) etc. They discuss the techniques used in analysis of natural polymers in various systems incorporating natural polymers as well as their intrinsic properties. Int J Biol Macromol 34:281–288, Nawrath C, Poirier Y (2008) Pathways for the synthesis of polyesters in plants: cutin, suberin and polyhydroxyalkanoates. Top Answer. Classification Of Polymers 1. According to this classification polymers are of two types: Natural polymers; Synthetic polymers; Natural Polymers. Library or Congress, New york, pp 299–305, Templeton N (2002) Liposomal delivery of nucleic acids in vivo. Library of Congress, New York, pp 225–270, Sabra W, Deckwer WD (2005) Alginate-A polysaccharide of industrial interest and diverse biological function. Semi-synthetic polymers: Cellulose derivatives as cellulose acetate (rayon) and cellulose nitrate, etc. Based on their structure, the polymers can be classified into three types such as linear polymers, branched-chain polymers, and network, or cross linked polymers. These are commercially produced by industries for human necessities. Semi-Synthetic polymers are polymers obtained by making modification in natural polymers artificially in a lab. It also discusses some of the most widely used natural polymers in industries. J Appl Polym Sci 1–10, Parenteau-Bareil RG (2010) Collagen-based biomaterials for tisue engineering. Polymers can be classified based on their origin as natural or synthesis. J Food Sci 60(5):1147–1150, Holloway P (1982) The chemical constitutions of plant cutin. There are two types of polymers: synthetic and natural. A common example is Polystyrene or PVC (which is used in making pipes). Q: Which catalyst is used for the Polymerisation of olefins? Classification: Classification Based on Source: [1] Natural Polymers: These polymers are found in plants and animals. Classification Of Polymers 1. Classification of Polymers Based on Source of Origin (i) Natural polymers Those polymers which occur in nature. a) Natural polymers - • Polymers either obtained from plants or animal are called natural polymers. By Structure 6. 1. 1.2 Classification of Fibres Based on their origin, the fibres may be classified as belonging to one of the following two categories: Natural and Man-made. //
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